cwgo integrates gorm/gen to help users generate Model code and basic CURD code.
Basic commands
Use cwgo model -h
to view usage details
cwgo model-generate DB model
# Generate DB model code
cwgo model --db_type mysql --dsn "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
cwgo model [command options] [arguments...]
--dsn value Specify the database source name. (https://gorm.io/docs/connecting_to_the_database.html)
--db_type value Specify database type. (mysql or sqlserver or sqlite or postgres) (default: mysql)
--out_dir value Specify output directory (default: biz/dao/query)
--out_file value Specify output filename (default: gen.go)
--tables value [ --tables value ] Specify databases tables
--exclude_tables value [ --exclude_tables value ] Specify exclude tables
--unittest Specify generate unit test (default: false)
--only_model Specify only generate model code (default: false)
--model_pkg value Specify model package name
--nullable Specify generate with pointer when field is nullable (default: false)
--signable Specify detect integer field\'s unsigned type, adjust generated data type (default: false)
--type_tag Specify generate field with gorm column type tag (default: false)
--index_tag Specify generate field with gorm index tag (default: false)
--sql_dir value Specify a sql file or directory(Note: The 'dsn' parameter is invalid when using this parameter)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
All tables in the SQLite database that start with sqlite will be ignored, such as sqlite_sequence and sqlite_master.
--dsn value specify database DSN
--db_type value specifies the database type (mysql or sqlserver or sqlite or postgres) (default mysql)
--out_dir value specifies the output directory path, the default is biz/dao/query
--out_file value specify the output file name, the default is gen.go
--tables value specifies the database table, the default is the full table
--exclude_tables value [ --exclude_tables value ] Specify exclude tables, the default is empty
--unittest specifies whether to generate unit tests, the default is false
--only_model specifies whether to generate only model, default is false
--model_pkg value specifies the package name of the model
--nullable specifies whether the generated field is a pointer when the field is nullable, the default is false
--signable specifies detect integer field\'s unsigned type, adjust generated data type, the default is false
--type_tag specifies whether to generate gorm's type tag for the specified field, the default is false
--index_tag specifies whether to generate gorm's index tag for the specified field, the default is false
--sql_dir value Specify a sql file or directory(Note: The 'dsn' parameter is invalid when using this parameter)
## Example
cwgo model --db_type mysql --dsn "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
Last modified
February 7, 2025
: refactor(kitex): add thrid-party directory and update doc (#1228) (3f66e0d)