Volo Release 0.10.0

In Volo 0.10.0, we mainly focused on extensibility and ease of use.

Break Change

Error Handling Refactored

Existing error types had issues such as unclear semantics, lack of maintainability and extensibility, and misuse. In the new version, we refactored the entire error handling, greatly enhancing the clarity and maintainability of error handling, and reducing misuse through the type system.

Migration Guide

Server Handler Migration
  1. If previously using anyhow::Result, change anyhow::Result to volo_thrift::ServerResult:
async fn example(&self, req: XReq) -> volo_thrift::ServerResult<XResp>
  1. If previously using Result<XResp, anyhow::Error>, replace anyhow::Error with volo_thrift::ServerError:
async fn example(&self, req: XReq) -> Result<XResp, volo_thrift::ServerError>
  1. If you were using Exception, change the return type from Result<XResp, volo_thrift::UserException<XException>> to Result<volo_thrift::MaybeException<XResp, XException>, volo_thrift::ServerError>. At the same time, places that return Err(UserError::UserException(exception)) should be changed to use Ok(MaybeException::Exception(exception)):
async fn example(&self, req: XReq) -> Result<volo_thrift::MaybeException<XResp, XException>, volo_thrift::ServerError> {
  1. If an error occurs when returning anyhow::Error after these changes, you can manually add a .into():
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(xxx).into())
  1. If an error occurs at the ? error return spot after these changes, you can try converting it to anyhow::Error before returning:
let x = xxx().map_err(|e|anyhow::anyhow!(e))?;
Service Middleware Migration

For middleware that is not aware of user errors, this change should not cause a breaking change. If you are aware of user errors, then just change the original volo_thrift::Error to volo_thrift::ServerError/ClientError.

Client Migration

The error part of the client has changed from ResponseError to ClientError. Just follow the compiler error message prompts to match the new error variant.

IDL Management File volo.yml Format Refactored

The structure of the new yml configuration is clearer, easier to maintain, and mainly solves the issue that the old version could not support cross-repository referencing with git. The specific functions and configuration parameters can be seen here. In addition, for the volo-cli command-line tool, we have renamed the previous idl command to repo.

Migration Guide

Install the volo-cli v0.10.0 version and execute the volo migrate command in the volo.yml directory for automatic migration.

Change in Default Generated Enum Type

In the newly generated code, the default generated Enum type has been changed to a newtype wrapping i32, in order to better support forward compatibility of modifications in the enumeration values of the IDL enum field.

Migration Guide

Just modify the enumeration name in the enum field to the corresponding generated name, such as Foo::Bar -> Foo::BAR.

Complete Release Note

For the complete Release Note, please refer to: Volo Changelog