Kitex Release v0.3.0


  • [#366, #426 ] feat(client): support warming-up for kitex client
  • [#395 ] feat(mux): support gracefully shutdown in connection multiplexing
  • [#399 ] feat(protobuf): add fastpb protocol API and support it in the pkg/remote/codec module


  • [#402 ] optimize(connpool): export getCommonReporter in pkg/remote/connpool
  • [#389 ] optimize(rpcinfo): fill TransportProtocol, PackageName fields into RPCInfo of the server side after decoding


  • [#413 ] fix(mux): set PayloadCodec for sendMsg in NetpollMux trans handler to fix generic request codec error.issue #411
  • [#406 ] fix(grpc): fix the sending and receiving logic about http2 framer, such as preventing the peer unable to receive the framer in time
  • [#398 ] fix(utils): fix the bug that Dump() func in ring.go can’t dump the accurate data in ring shards
  • [#428 ] fix(trans): close connection when flush data fails to avoid memory leak


  • [#340 ] tool(protobuf): redesign and implement new protobuf gen code called fastpb which doesn’t use reflection and only supports proto3


  • [#396 ] chore: replace cespare/xxhash with xxhash3 from bytedance/gopkg
  • [#400 ] chore: upgrade go version of workflow to 1.18
  • [#407 ] chore: add a separate file to declare the use of gRPC source code


  • [#401 ] test: add ut for kitex/server package
  • [#393 ] test: add ut for pkg/remote/bound package
  • [#403 ] test: add netpollmux unit test
  • [#401 ] test: add klog unit test
  • [#392 ] test(utils): add UT for utils and fix inaccurate err throw in json.go
  • [#373, #432, #434 ] test(grpc): add gRPC transport unit tests, promoting the coverage to 76%
  • [#424 ] test(transmeta): supplementary of unit tests for http2 and ttheader implementations of MetaHandler/StreamingMetaHandler in pkg/transmeta.

Dependency Change

  • v0.2.0 -> v0.2.2
  • 20210910103821-e4efae9c17c3 -> 20220413063733-65bf48ffb3a7