Kitex Release v0.2.1


  • [#383 ] fix(generic): detect circular dependency in thrift IDL when using generic call.
  • [#359 ] fix(tool): fix streaming import missing in protobuf combine service.
  • [#363 ] fix(client): fix a bug that sequence ID of oneway requests are not encoded and lower the loss rate of oneway requests.
  • [#367 ] fix(generic/tool): combine services may have duplicate loading of the same service.


  • [#362 ] optimize(diagnosis): lbcache is global, it doesn’t need register ProbeFunc for diagnosis.
  • [#374 ] optimize(rpcinfo): RPCInfo.To().Tag() use instance tag instead of remoteinfo tag firstly.
  • [#355 ] optimize(connpool): adjust minMaxIdleTimeout to 2s.
  • [#354 ] optimize(hook): adding locks to onServerStart and onShutdown, acquire the corresponding lock when doing some read and write operations like RegisterStartHook and range in server.Run().
  • [#331 ] optimize(discovery): add error definition ErrInstanceNotFound which is used in the service discovery module.


  • [#352 ] refactor(event): delete additional atomic operations and replace them with a normal operation.
  • [#343 ] refactor(loadbalancer): merge BuildWeightedVirtualNodes function into buildVirtualNodes function, make it easier to maintain.


  • [#376 ] chore: upgrade choleraehyq/pid for Go 1.18.


  • [#364 ] docs: update readme with new blog.